News 2024

Andrea Lattuada joins MPI-SWS faculty

September 2024
Andrea Lattuada will join MPI-SWS as a Research Group Leader in September 2024. Before joining MPI-SWS, Andrea worked as a researcher in the VMware Research Group. He completed his PhD at ETH Zurich, where he focused on systems for distributed data processing and systems software verification.

Andrea builds verification tools and formally verified systems with a focus on pragmatism. He co-started and co-leads the Verus project. Verus is a tool used by various industry and academic projects to rapidly verify the correctness of systems code written in Rust. ...
Andrea Lattuada will join MPI-SWS as a Research Group Leader in September 2024. Before joining MPI-SWS, Andrea worked as a researcher in the VMware Research Group. He completed his PhD at ETH Zurich, where he focused on systems for distributed data processing and systems software verification.

Andrea builds verification tools and formally verified systems with a focus on pragmatism. He co-started and co-leads the Verus project. Verus is a tool used by various industry and academic projects to rapidly verify the correctness of systems code written in Rust. At MPI, his research group will continue to leverage software verification to substantially improve the safety and reliability of systems software. This will involve developing new and more powerful techniques to reason about complex software, improving the usability and efficiency of verification tools, and devising principled and cost-effective development disciplines for verified software. Andrea also collaborates with researchers at ETH Zürich on new programming models for the cloud, and on building a verified operating system with a compact, well-specified programming interface.

Andrea’s group has open positions for doctoral students, postdocs, and interns who are interested in working on systems software verification. Current projects focus on making verification more practical and usable by engineers and on leveraging advanced reasoning techniques to tackle complex software. Andrea’s website has more details on his research profile.
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MPI-SWS participates in 2024 Girls' Day

August 2024
MPI-SWS will be participating in RPTU's Schülerinnentag (Girl's Day) on Friday, Sept 13, 2024. On this day, high school girls will visit our institute to learn about science, technology, engineering and mathematics. We will spend an exiting morning with hands-on computer science exhibits about learning in machines and weak memory consistency, and there will be an interactive demo with robots.

MPI-SWS researchers receives LICS 2024 Distinguished Paper Award

The paper "On the Decidability of Monadic Second-Order Logic with Arithmetic Predicates", by Valérie Berthé, Toghrul Karimov, Joris Nieuwveld, Joël Ouaknine, Mihir Vahanwala and James Worrell, was selected as one of 7 "Distinguished Papers" at LICS 2024.

Distinguished Paper awards are given to about 10% of papers at LICS. These are papers that, in the view of the LICS program committee, make exceptionally strong contribution to the field and should be read by a broad audience due their relevance, ...
The paper "On the Decidability of Monadic Second-Order Logic with Arithmetic Predicates", by Valérie Berthé, Toghrul Karimov, Joris Nieuwveld, Joël Ouaknine, Mihir Vahanwala and James Worrell, was selected as one of 7 "Distinguished Papers" at LICS 2024.

Distinguished Paper awards are given to about 10% of papers at LICS. These are papers that, in the view of the LICS program committee, make exceptionally strong contribution to the field and should be read by a broad audience due their relevance, originality, significance and clarity.
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MPI-SWS researchers receive PLDI 2024 Distinguished Artifact Award

MPI-SWS researchers Simon Spies, Lennard Gäher, Michael Sammler, and Derek Dreyer have received the PLDI 2024 Distinguished Artifact Award for their paper Quiver: Guided Abductive Inference of Separation Logic Specifications in Coq.

Max Planck researchers publish 7 papers at POPL 2024!

Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI-SWS) and the Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy (MPI-SP) have authored a total of 7 papers accepted to POPL 2024.  This is the seventh year in a row that MPI-SWS researchers have published 5+ papers in POPL.  Congratulations to all our POPL authors!
  • Decision and Complexity of Dolev-Yao Hyperproperties by Itsaka Rakotonirina, Gilles Barthe, Clara Schneidewind
  • Parikh's Theorem Made Symbolic by Matthew Hague, 
Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI-SWS) and the Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy (MPI-SP) have authored a total of 7 papers accepted to POPL 2024.  This is the seventh year in a row that MPI-SWS researchers have published 5+ papers in POPL.  Congratulations to all our POPL authors!
  • Decision and Complexity of Dolev-Yao Hyperproperties by Itsaka Rakotonirina, Gilles Barthe, Clara Schneidewind
  • Parikh's Theorem Made Symbolic by Matthew Hague, Artur Jez, Anthony Widjaja Lin
  • Positive Almost-Sure Termination – Complexity and Proof Rules by Rupak Majumdar and V.R. Sathiyanarayana.
  • Ramsey Quantifiers in Linear Arithmetics by Pascal Bergsträßer, Moses Ganardi, Anthony Widjaja Lin, Georg Zetzsche
  • Reachability in Continuous Pushdown VASS by A. R. Balasubramanian, Rupak Majumdar, Ramanathan S. Thinniyam, Georg Zetzsche
  • Regular Abstractions for Array Systems by Chih-Duo Hong and Anthony Widjaja Lin
  • Securing Verified IO Programs Against Unverified Code in F* by Cezar-Constantin Andrici, Stefan Ciobaca, Cătălin Hriţcu, Guido Martínez, Exequiel Rivas, Éric Tanter, Théo Winterhalter

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